Serenity Haven Properties

Meet Brooke Geary, co-owner and interior decorator of the beautiful Serenity Haven Properties in Florida.

Serenity Haven Properties
Serenity Haven Properties

Meet Brooke Geary, co-owner and interior decorator of the beautiful Serenity Haven Properties in Florida. With a passion for creating a special vacation experience for her guests, Brooke has turned her property into a haven of relaxation and comfort. She loves using HostGPO to furnish her property and make sure her guests have everything they need to enjoy their vacation. Join us in our member spotlight as we get to know Brooke and her inspiring business journey.

How many years have you been in the short term rental industry and how did you get started?

We bought our first property in January 2022. My husband and I got into the short term rental arena because we see it as an effective inflation hedge and also will provide passive income that will consistently grow over the years. We also were searching for tax savings, and real estate is one of the best avenues to achieve that.

What do you find most rewarding about your career?

I get to follow my passion, own properties in places that I too can also enjoy with my husband and fur babies, and provide a place for others to make beautiful memories too is all so very rewarding.

What is your favorite rental property you have and why do you love it?

Surfside Serenity is our only property at this time, as we just entered the arena of short term rentals. Majestic. Tranquil. Relaxing. All three of these words is what you will feel when you walk in our front door, and I cannot forget to mention that it has the most incredible views. Sitting on the front deck just brings such peace and absolute serenity to my soul.

This property is special to me for a second reason as well. I just graduated from the New York Institute of Art and Design as an Interior Designer. I am now officially launching my new business, Brooke Geary Designs; and Surfside Serenity was a great way to start my Portfolio and served as a great addition to my website. After going through the process of designing our place, I realized that there is a huge need for helping owners of these properties to increase their profits through design. I am very excited about all that is to come with this business as well.

I will most definitely be utilizing HostGPO in the future for all of our future properties to come. My husband and I plan to grow Serenity Haven Properties, and I welcome the pure ease that it provided to the process of designing as a whole.

What's the craziest story you have from hosting?

The amount of time, work and effort it took to bring the property up to the level necessary in order to achieve the financial goal we set was by far the craziest ride of all. It most definitely can be classified as a labor of love.

Our first guests we are hosting arrive on May 28. We are so excited for others to enjoy our property now that it is completed. Knowing others are making beautiful memories will make all the hard work worth it.

What's one "pro-tip" you'd be willing to pass on to the community?

Order as many items as you can from HostGPO and consolidate them. It will absolutely alleviate the stress of finding items needed for your property and will all arrive on the same day. Having one less stressor like this will be welcomed in the process of setting up any new place. The quality of the items will also not disappoint.

What's the most recent item that you can remember that you've ordered from HostGPO?

I ordered so many wonderful items for our new property! My husband and I donated everything in the house from the previous owners to a local organization and bought all new things. No room was left untouched! HostGPO was a dream come true with the consolidation and white glove delivery service! It made my job on designing the spaces so much easier.

What would you tell others about whether to join HostGPO?

HostGPO is one of the most incredible services offered! If you are having to purchase multiple items, it doesn't get any better! Our rental property is 11 hours away from where we live. I was so concerned about multiple delivery dates. Not a problem when using HostGPO! A consolidation made that worry completely go away. Having everything delivered, put together and set up to my just doesn't get any better than that! The process of setting up a new place can be very stressful. Utilizing this service not only eases the stress of everything needed to be ordered but also saves you money along the way. I highly recommend!!!

Join HostGPO for the best deals for your rental.
Serenity Haven Properties

Serenity Haven Properties

Meet Brooke Geary, co-owner and interior decorator of the beautiful Serenity Haven Properties in Florida.

Serenity Haven Properties

Meet Brooke Geary, co-owner and interior decorator of the beautiful Serenity Haven Properties in Florida. With a passion for creating a special vacation experience for her guests, Brooke has turned her property into a haven of relaxation and comfort. She loves using HostGPO to furnish her property and make sure her guests have everything they need to enjoy their vacation. Join us in our member spotlight as we get to know Brooke and her inspiring business journey.

How many years have you been in the short term rental industry and how did you get started?

We bought our first property in January 2022. My husband and I got into the short term rental arena because we see it as an effective inflation hedge and also will provide passive income that will consistently grow over the years. We also were searching for tax savings, and real estate is one of the best avenues to achieve that.

What do you find most rewarding about your career?

I get to follow my passion, own properties in places that I too can also enjoy with my husband and fur babies, and provide a place for others to make beautiful memories too is all so very rewarding.

What is your favorite rental property you have and why do you love it?

Surfside Serenity is our only property at this time, as we just entered the arena of short term rentals. Majestic. Tranquil. Relaxing. All three of these words is what you will feel when you walk in our front door, and I cannot forget to mention that it has the most incredible views. Sitting on the front deck just brings such peace and absolute serenity to my soul.

This property is special to me for a second reason as well. I just graduated from the New York Institute of Art and Design as an Interior Designer. I am now officially launching my new business, Brooke Geary Designs; and Surfside Serenity was a great way to start my Portfolio and served as a great addition to my website. After going through the process of designing our place, I realized that there is a huge need for helping owners of these properties to increase their profits through design. I am very excited about all that is to come with this business as well.

I will most definitely be utilizing HostGPO in the future for all of our future properties to come. My husband and I plan to grow Serenity Haven Properties, and I welcome the pure ease that it provided to the process of designing as a whole.

What's the craziest story you have from hosting?

The amount of time, work and effort it took to bring the property up to the level necessary in order to achieve the financial goal we set was by far the craziest ride of all. It most definitely can be classified as a labor of love.

Our first guests we are hosting arrive on May 28. We are so excited for others to enjoy our property now that it is completed. Knowing others are making beautiful memories will make all the hard work worth it.

What's one "pro-tip" you'd be willing to pass on to the community?

Order as many items as you can from HostGPO and consolidate them. It will absolutely alleviate the stress of finding items needed for your property and will all arrive on the same day. Having one less stressor like this will be welcomed in the process of setting up any new place. The quality of the items will also not disappoint.

What's the most recent item that you can remember that you've ordered from HostGPO?

I ordered so many wonderful items for our new property! My husband and I donated everything in the house from the previous owners to a local organization and bought all new things. No room was left untouched! HostGPO was a dream come true with the consolidation and white glove delivery service! It made my job on designing the spaces so much easier.

What would you tell others about whether to join HostGPO?

HostGPO is one of the most incredible services offered! If you are having to purchase multiple items, it doesn't get any better! Our rental property is 11 hours away from where we live. I was so concerned about multiple delivery dates. Not a problem when using HostGPO! A consolidation made that worry completely go away. Having everything delivered, put together and set up to my just doesn't get any better than that! The process of setting up a new place can be very stressful. Utilizing this service not only eases the stress of everything needed to be ordered but also saves you money along the way. I highly recommend!!!

Join HostGPO for the best deals for your rental.
Join HostGPO for the best deals for your rental.